3 supporting partners and one managing partner.

Hello, nice to meet you

Successful angel investor (2017-2022) turned solo GP in 2022, backed by three silent partners (Nicolas D, Charles D, Axel D).

Two exits, of which one portfolio returner

Even more than the monetary return, we, as 4D Ventures, do this to back  great founders with an extraordinary vision.

We exist to invest in/with people in visionary companies/founders. It's a privilege to be on board with them.

We start with 35K EUR-ish tickets as a first ticket & "get-to-know".
Later, we can lead your future round with min 100K till around 250K EUR through our own syndicates with 4D and our preferred partner Finwise.com with whom we are co-investing.

Thomas Desimpel
Hi, I'm Thomas, let's chat:
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